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Fast, ecological and money-saving, cargo bikes can be used in a wide range of sectors. The City of Paris provides financial support for professionals willing to commit to them.
Quieter, greener and less bulky, the cargo bike is on a roll. During the Olympic and Paralympic Games, this type of non-motorized vehicle could be taking center stage! Hosting and organizing this international event will have a major impact on traffic flows and goods delivery services throughout Paris.
Cargo bike delivery, a practical solution during the Games

An example of a 2m3 tricycle that can carry up to 300 kg and is classified as a non-motorized vehicle.
Pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, on the other hand, will be little affected by traffic changes, and will be able to move around freely and without needing to show proof of identity. An interesting solution is available to professionals in (almost) all sectors of activity: delivery by cargo bike, known as "cyclo-logistics", whose development is being supported by the City of Paris.
Around Olympic venues, where security perimeters will be set up at specific times, the vehicles most affected by traffic restrictions will be motorized vehicles (two-wheelers, cars, commercial vehicles, heavy goods vehicles), which will have to :
Request a digital pass to enter the red perimeter
Adapt to alternative routes or means of transport
Outside these restricted perimeters (close to competition sites, ceremonial sites or road events), deliveries for all types of vehicles will be authorized.
Did you know?
In Paris, outside of the Olympic Games period, there are an estimated 1.1 million individual goods movements per week, 90% of which take place on roads, with consequences on public spaces and the environment.
Source: City of Paris Roads and Transport Department
Source: City of Paris Roads and Transport Department
How to choose a cargo bike?
The ColisActiv' program, winner of the department for Ecological Transition's CEE 2019 prize, supports local authorities (with more than 50,000 inhabitants) in developing cyclo-logistics, has published a JOP 2024 cyclo directory. This document brings together the main developpers urban logistics with cargo bikes: cyclo logisticians, manufacturers, rental companies and vendors present in Paris. It also explains the different cargo bike models to help you find your way around:

Description of the four cargo bike categories
A partner of the City of Paris, the association Les Boîtes à Vélo - Paris & Île-de-France, for its part, has been bringing together and supporting companies (craftsmen, logisticians, restaurateurs, service providers) that have chosen to use bicycles for their business travel since 2016, as well as designers, manufacturers and retailers of French utility solutions (cargo bikes, consulting, etc.).
The Boîtes à Vélo national network has also produced "working by bike" booklets for the logistics, catering, temperature-controlled, living environment and intervention sectors, to support professionals in their specific areas of activity.
Each of these specific booklets includes details of: regulations, adapted equipment, constraints and testimonials from professionals.
How do I buy a cargo bike?
The City of Paris is committed to supporting the development of eco-friendly and efficient urban logistics, and offers professionals a wide range of financial assistance for ecomobility, and more specifically for cargo bikes:
N°5 : Purchase of an electrically-assisted cargo bike or scooter, i.e. a 2- or 3-wheeled cycle equipped with a tray or box at the front or rear.
Financial aid is set at 33% of the purchase price, excluding VAT, up to a maximum of €1,200.
N°6 : Purchase of a cargo bike or a scooter without electric assistance, i.e. a 2 or 3-wheeled cycle equipped with a tray or box at the front or rear.
Financial aid is set at 33% of the purchase price, excluding VAT, up to a maximum of €1,200.
Assistance from the City of Paris can be combined with that from the Frenchgovernment,Ile-de-France Mobilités,Ademe-Ile-de-Franceand the Métropole du Grand Paris.
1,500 cargo bikes financed for pros
Since 2018, the City of Paris has financed almost 1,500 cargo bikes for professionals, with an average aid amount of €1,024 in 2023, close to the aid ceiling set at €1,200.
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