How Paris is supporting Ukraine ?
Mise à jour le 26/10/2022
Attention, cet article n'a pas été mis à jour depuis le 26/10/2022, il est possible que son contenu soit obsolète.

Paris believes in peace, supports and sympathizes with Ukraine and the Ukrainians. A reception center only for Ukrainian refugees has opened. Paris is also organizing a network for Ukrainians arriving in the capital, in collaboration with the French government, institutions and NGOs.
How do you get the information?
Call 3975, the City of Paris number, to receive information on how refugees are being taken in and, to get practical information, if you wish to participate.
If you are anxious about relatives in Ukraine, you may contact the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs' crisis unit at +33 1 43 17 53 53.
A virtual house of Ukraine to help students and scholars
The Cité Internationale Universitaire of
Paris (14th arrondissement) will provide assistance to up to 500 students,
scholars and researchers who are affected by the war in Ukraine. The architect
Jean-Michel Wilmotte has created a virtual house to finance this project. You
can buy a reproduction of the images to fund this initiative. >>Back the project of the house of Ukraine
Reception center only for Ukraine refugees

Bercy gymnasium, near Gare de Lyon
Guillaume Bontemps / Ville de Paris
A reception center called "Accueil Ukraine" has opened its doors, only for Ukrainian refugees, at the Paris Event Center, 20 avenue de la Porte de la Villette, in the 19th arrondissement (Metro station "Porte de la Villette", line 7).
"Accueil Ukraine" is open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm, and weekends and holidays, from 1pm to 6pm.
It provides Ukrainian refugees with a first point of contact in order to assess their needs and guide them towards the most appropriate solutions. France Terre d'Asile, which manages the site, relies on the experience of all the associations involved.
The City's employees are fully mobilized to support the families, in particular the maternal and child protection and child welfare services.
Interactive voice response system of the Red Cross
It provides informative messages in 4 languages (Ukrainian, Russian,
French and English) and is accessible 24/ 7. These pre-recorded messages
provide information to guide arriving Ukrainians, Parisians wishing to help, as
well as association' staff.
You are a Ukrainian refugee in France

Marie Paradis gymnasium near the Gare de l'Est
Guillaume Bontemps / Ville de Paris
Several locations are for you :
Temporary accommodation in two gymnasiums
Two Parisian gymnasiums are being used as first
reception centers for refugees prior to their transfer to the "Accueil
Ukraine" (Ukrainian refugee reception center), or in the course of their
journey to other countries.
Goal: to provide a place to rest and
catering facilities for refugees awaiting assistance, rather than having to
wait in poor conditions for long hours in railway stations.
Bercy gymnasium, near Gare de Lyon (railway station), provides a daytime
shelter while waiting for the departure of a train, or to be received at
"Accueil Ukraine" in the 18th arrondissement.
gymnasium near the Gare de l'Est
(railway station) remains open 24 hours a day for arrivals at the railway
station Gare de l'Est: during the
day, while waiting for transfer to the "Accueil Ukraine" reception
desk; in the evening and at night, for families to rest or even sleep while
waiting for an accommodation placement.
In addition, the City has provided three classrooms
in a school in the 18th arrondissement, for childcare while parents complete their paperwork.
"Accueil Ukraine"
Laurent Bourgogne / Ville de Paris
Gymnase Victor Young Perez-Accueil de réfugiés Ukrainiens
Clement Dorval / Ville de Paris
Guillaume Bontemps/Ville de Paris
Jean-Baptiste Gurliat/Ville de Paris
Gymnase Victor Young Perez-Accueil de réfugiés Ukrainiens
Clement Dorval / Ville de Paris
Gymnase Victor Young Perez-Accueil de réfugiés Ukrainiens
Clement Dorval / Ville de Paris
Guillaume Bontemps / Ville de Paris
Gymnase Victor Young Perez-Accueil de réfugiés Ukrainiens
Clement Dorval / Ville de Paris
Reception and information
The Halte Humanitaire (Humanitarian Center)
The Halte humanitaire is open 7 days a week from 9 am to 6 pm and is located 4 place du Louvre, 75001 Paris (former Town Hall of the 1st arrondissement).
The staff of the Halte receives and informs people who arrive on their own or by referral, runs the hygiene area and coordinates the interventions of the many partners involved in the project. It also provides French lessons.
The Henri IV site (day-center)
Located on rue d'Aboukir (Paris), the premises can accommodate up to 100 people : hygiene and well-being area, lounge, evaluation and orientation platform, meeting room.
Coordination center for asylum-seeking families-CAFDA
Located at 184, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis, in the 10th arrondissement, the CAFDA takes in families seeking asylum in Paris.
It provides an address for administrative, legal matters and social support. It also has a medical center where volunteers and professionals provide consultations and guidance.
La Maison des réfugiés
The Maison des réfugiés is located at 50-62 boulevard Jourdan in the 14th arrondissement. A place for training, debate and research, and a cultural venue open to all, it runs French classes, art workshops and sports sessions. It works with several partners to provide group information sessions or individual counseling sessions for professionals.
No accommodation is provided except for the
one-stop service managed by "Accueil
Ukraine" (at the Paris Event Center, 20 avenue de la Porte de la Villette, 19 arrondissement).
"Accueil Ukraine" is open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm, and weekends and holidays, from 1pm to 6pm (Metro station "Porte de la Villette", line 7).
Are you ill, do you suffer from a health problem?
At your location (train
station, gymnasium or shelter): you should contact the local association
representatives who can provide you with information.
Apply for the following
services, whether or not you have healthcare coverage:
Parisian Emergency Medical
Service (SAMU): call 15
Health care drop-in centres
(PASS) of Paris Public Hospitals (APHP). A list and contact details can be
obtained from the APHP website >> link to more info
SAUV Life a
mobile telemedicine unit for remote consultation, from 10am to 10pm:
01 75 90 90 25
The Ridder Medical and Social
Centre of the City of Paris is actively involved and has time slots reserved for
refugees arriving from Ukraine. Consultations are available for adults.
Address: 3 rue Ridder
75014 Paris - Phone: 01 58 14 30 30
At the Hôtel Dieu (a Parisian Public Hospital ), Paris Public Hospitals
(APHP) and the City of Paris have set up consultations for pregnant women,
refugees from Ukraine ( gynecology and ultrasound) from Monday to Friday, from
9am to 5pm, Address: 1 place du parvis de Notre-Dame 75004 Paris- Phone :
01 42 34 82 34
The Maternal and Infant
Protection Centers (PMI) of the City of Paris assist children and pregnant
women arriving from Ukraine to get an appointment for a medical consultation,
whether or not they have healthcare coverage. For more
information on PMI centers in Paris, click here
You wish to obtain healthcare coverage?
In order to be eligible,
you need to hold a temporary residence permit.
You are required to provide
a home address.
To obtain information on
the services provided by the French National Health Service (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie),
you may visit the Accueil Ukraine
reception desk (20, avenue de la Porte de la Villette, 19e. Métro ligne 7 : Porte de la Villette) where Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie representatives will attend.
If you are already in
possession of a temporary residence permit, you can apply for cover at any Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie reception
For minors: minors with a
legal representative will be entitled to receive equal coverage as their parent
upon presentation of any proof of identity (passport, family record book,
etc.). If no evidence can be provided, form S 3705 "Application for the affiliation of minor children to
one or both insured parents" must be filled.
For unaccompanied minors, 2
options are available:
- The child is taken in by a
family member; the child is established as a beneficiary. An official document
specifying the family relationship or, if not available, a sworn statement must
be submitted;
- The child is being looked
after by a service or association, he/she will be entitled to have his/her own
healthcare coverage.
How to obtain "temporary protection”
Visit the Accueil Ukraine (20, avenue de la Porte de la Villette, 19e. Métro ligne 7 : Porte de la Villette)
where the Prefecture representatives will attend or the prefecture of the place
where you live, with the documents proving your situation.
For a temporary residence permit in France:
Case 1: You are a Ukrainian national and resided in Ukraine until February 24, 2022;
Case 2: You are not a Ukrainian national and you are granted protection (international or similar to national) by the Ukrainian authorities;
Case 3 : you are not a national of Ukraine, you have a valid permanent residence permit issued by the Ukrainian authorities and you are unable to return to your home country;
Case 4: you are a relative of a person eligible for any of the above cases (relatives are: spouse, unmarried minor children and dependent parents).
Psychological help
Persons in exile are often vulnerable because of the violence and trauma they have suffered in their home country or on their journey. Three associations specialize in psychological help for refugees:
The Primo Levi Center provides multidisciplinary approach for victims of serious trauma related to exile. The Center combines psychological assistance with health care as well as social and legal follow-up, with the assistance of community interpreters.
Traces, an international Clinic network, provides psychotherapy to refugees suffering from trauma caused by war, torture or political violence.
Le Chêne et l'Hibiscus provides counseling and psychological consultations at the Halte humanitaire.
In addition, a number has been set up by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs to provide assistance, including psychological help related to the crisis in Ukraine: 01 53 59 11 10.
Looking for a train ticket
train stations
to the Red Cross (Croix rouge)
volunteers who will guide you to get your tickets. Your identification
documents will allow you to get free train tickets.
At the Accueil Ukraine center (20 avenue de la Porte de la Villette, 19 arrondissement).
at reception for the SCNF (French
Railroad) desk in the center.
French courses/ Legal and administrative support and public writer
The City of Paris runs French language courses for adults through its
municipal courses.
Centres Paris Anim' (Municipal facilities)
Legal and administrative support and/or a public writer, in the following
Centres Paris Anim' :
Centre Mercoeur / 4 Rue Mercœur (75011) – administrative support-assistance in applying for refugee status at the prefecture
Centre Bessie Smith / 19 Rue Antoine-Julien Hénard (75012) – Tuesday from 6:30pm to 8pm 20h and Friday from 10am to 12am
Centre Simon Lefranc / 9 Rue Simon le Franc (75004)
Centre Montparnasse /Jardin Atlantique, 26 All. du Chef d'Escadron de Guillebon (75014)
Free digital access, in the following centres Paris anim’ :
Centre Bessie Smith / 19 Rue Antoine-Julien Hénard (75012) : Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm
La Maison des ensembles / 3 rue d’Aligre (75012)
French courses for beginners in the following centres Paris Anim’
Centre Paul Valeyre / 24 rue Marguerite de Rochechouart (75009)
Centre Maurice Ravel / 6 av. Maurice Ravel (75012)
La Maison des Ensembles / 3 rue d’Aligre (75012)
Centre Draviel / 24 rue Daviel (75013)
Centre Baudricourt / 6 rue Simone Weil (75013)
Centre Louis Lumière / 46 rue Louis Lumière (75013)
Centre Bessie Smith / 3 rue d’Aligre (75012)
Centre Paris Anim' Hébert (12, rue des Fillettes) / 9, rue Tchaïkovski (75018)
Centre Paris Anim' René Binet / 28 avenue de la Porte de Montmartre (75018)
Centre Paris Anim' Rachid Taha / 26, boulevard de la Chapelle (75018)
Assistance to Ukrainian youth and students
For Ukrainian youth and students already in Paris or arriving to Paris:
For all young people (students or not):
Quartier Jeunes (QJ) is open 6 days a week from 10 am to 6 pm and located 4, place du Louvre, 75001 Paris, and will propose services to help Ukrainian students: free phone calls outside the European Union, internet connection, psychological help (from next Wednesday), personal assistance in Ukrainian, food parcels every Thursday by Restos du Cœur, group counselling on access to health and legal rights.
For students:
You can contact the health service of your university, which has already set up an assistance, in particular for the 4 Paris University campuses, contacts here. For Paris Sorbonne info here.
For students: if you need accommodation, please contact the CROUS at 01 40 51 62 00 and the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris at 01 44 16 64 00
Day care centers and schools
For people who have contacts in France and who can be assisted by a French speaking person:
Registration in daycare and primary school at the town hall of the district where the family is staying.
For 11-18 year old children (middle and high school): Centre académique pour la scolarisation des nouveaux arrivants et des enfants du voyage (Academic Center for the Education of Newcomers) - 12 boulevard d'Indochine, 75019 Paris (metro Porte de Pantin, line 5 or tram 3B stop "Butte du chapeau rouge"). 01 44 62 39 81 or 83 or[ce.casnav puis après le signe @]
For people who do not have a contact in France and who are unable to be assisted at the Town Hall or the Rector's Office, the registration procedure is underway.
The Paris Education Authority has launched a scheme to
ease children's integration into schools: "Opening the school to parents
for pupils ‘success". It provides
basics in French, an understanding of the French education system and the
passing on of the French Republic's values. The City of Paris complements with French
lessons for adults interested in learning French.
A center for families

Joséphine Brueder / Ville de Paris
The City of Paris has opened a reception center for Ukrainian families located
at 17 rue de Verneuil (7th ). Metro station:
St Germain des Prés or Rue du Bac. RER C : Musée d'Orsay
Free services are available:
- A children and families area, Monday to Friday from 9.a.m to 6.p.m:
activities, early learning and games for children up to 11 years old
- A reading area, Monday to Friday from 9.a.m to 6.p.m
- French lessons for adults: Monday to Thursday in groups, for beginners or
advanced beginners. >>Register here
Social and professional insertion
Several social and professional inclusion programs already exist:
L'Atelier des Artistes en Exil (aa-e), which assists artists of all origins, all disciplines, in their daily work, but also gives them the means to develop their artistic practice and develop their professional project;
La Fabrique Nomade organizes a nine-month certification program that enables artisans who have acquired skills and experience in their home country to apply their skills in France and pursue a professional project.
one of the 10 Paris Employment outlets.
addition, you may contact the ENIC-NARIC France Centre. This Centre assesses and
draws up a certificate of recognition of study level for foreign qualifications
You live in Paris and wish to help

Guillaume Bontemps / Ville de Paris
Donations (only in-kind)
Starting on Friday 4 March 2022, the city halls of arrondissement are collecting goods’ donation.
The collection of material donations continues at the town hall of the 20th arrondissement.
The list of products needed are :
Hygiene products (shower gel, shampoo…)
sanitary protection items
cotton, tissues
plasters, bandages, Band-Aids
dry foodstuffs: pasta, rice, dried soup, instant coffee, tea…
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