
"Le Rond-Point" is celebrating the Olympic Games

Friday 28 to Saturday 29 June 2024
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Breaking Battle identical to those presented at the Olympics and Breakdance workshop Organized by Kami and Bee D
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Three free events are supported by the City of Paris as part of the "Paris fête les Jeux" cultural program.

Aux Jeux et caetera!

Friday, June 28th, 8pm - salle Renaud-Barrault

Through poetic words, gestures and music, the grand stage of the Théâtre du Rond-Point, the spirit of Olympism will be brought to life. This spirit has continued to be carried forward by athletes who have always defied the ordinary. Luminous writings and memorable stories will be brought to life by the voices of top actors and actresses. A song that will resonate all evening!

The Giant Swinging chair (Balançoire Géant)

Saturday, June 29th, 5:30 p.m. - in the Rond-Point gardens

A performance by Sidney Pin of the Compagnie La Volte-cirque at the Rond-Point gardens. Half swinging trapeze and half Russian bar, the Balançoire Géante features an acrobat attempting to spin on a 12-meter-high swinging apparatus. The show is also half improvised and feels like a circus show, an aerial acrobatics workshop and a session at the shrink's all at once. Spectators are also invited to take part in a giant swing training session. In a kind of self-analysis, the performer questions the reasons that make him train all day and night with the sole aim of becoming giant swing world champion. He speaks to the audience and questions himself in a direct address.

Breakdance battle

Saturday, June 29th, 6:30 p.m. - in the Rond-Point gardens

This breakdance battle is identical to those that will happen at the Olympics and Breakdance workshop organized by Kami and Bee D (YEAH YELLOW). In two events, one for men and one for women, the Top 8 international athletes compete in a 1-on-1. The first battle will pit eight breakdancers, the B-Boys, against each other, while the second will pit eight of the B-Girls against each other. Dancers will duel and improvise to a live DJ set. A jury of three professionals will then declare a winner!

Updated on 21/06/2024

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