
The COP of cities: Mayors join forces for the climate in Abidjan

Mise à jour le 26/07/2022
The COP of Cities, held in Abidjan on July 1 and 2, gave a voice to cities and focused on their critical role in the fight against global warming. At the invitation of Anne Hidalgo and Robert Beugré Mambé, Governor of Abidjan, Mayors from around the world spent two days sharing concrete solutions to the mitigation and adaptation requirements that cities currently face.
Following this major summit of cities for the climate, which covered issues such as the financing of the socio-ecological transition for cities and the contribution of citizen innovation, Mayors of the world' s largest cities signed a "Cities' Plea". With this document, they convey a clear message underscoring the critical role that cities can and indeed must play in promoting climate action, as well as creating a local level impetus in the run-up to COP 27, which is to be held next November on the African continent, in Egypt, in Sharm-el-Sheikh.

In Abidjan, cities from around the world committed themselves

Together, Mayors and local elected officials gathered in Abidjan drew up a clear and common diagnosis of the climate emergency, based on the uncompromising assessment of the latest IPCC reports, and the insights provided by several scientists. The magnitude of climate change points out the challenge of achieving peace, as food, energy and social security are interconnected and fragile in today's context. In order to rapidly and effectively limit climate change, each actor, and primarily cities, have a decisive role to play in building a multifaceted and cooperative action to contribute to the emergence of a carbon-neutral, peaceful and democratic world.
In the plea (available below) the signing Mayors are committed to act today:
Accelerating the implementation of their climate plans and develop more effective strategies to adapt to the consequences of global warming,
  • Pursuing the active sharing of knowledge and best practices between cities within their international networks,
  • Accelerating their decentralized cooperation within the framework of their twinning arrangements, their friendship agreements or via the networks of which they are members,
  • Working together with their local rural areas to develop a fair transition and build resilient local food systems,
  • Developing solutions based on and with nature, renewable energies, sustainable resource management and a circular economy, as well as to improve the living environment of their inhabitants,
  • Contributing to studies and work on climate migration in partnership with the Mixed Migration Center (MMC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM),
  • Building, together with all the stakeholders, a sustainable urban development that meets the basic needs of all citizens, free of discrimination, in order to ensure an ecological, fair and peaceful transition,
  • Reporting regularly on their progress and presenting them during the Cities Day at COP27.
To expand and consolidate their action, the signatory cities of this plea request:
  • For Parties to work together with local authorities to elaborate and implement the new National Determined Contributions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a partnership that is essential to achieve the commitments,
  • For States to substantially increase national budgets for climate-friendly municipal investments, in order to empower local authorities to act,
  • To OECD member countries to raise considerably the share of integrated sustainable urban development in official development assistance and climate funds to strengthen action on planning, and to support efforts to improve direct access of cities to funding programs, providing a tangible means of advancing cooperation, particularly with the most affected territories,
  • To development banks and central banks to provide direct access to financing for "Climate-Biodiversity" projects of cities, and to allow bidding in all official languages of the United Nations.
  • To climate donors, to increase the funding available to cities for the implementation of concrete actions designed to provide better reception and integration conditions for climate migrants and to reduce the climate risks associated with population displacement in urban areas
  • The success of the Paris Agreement, to limit global warming close to +1.5°C by the end of the century, requires in-depth changes and the cities must show the way.
Mayors from all continents have already signed the Abidjan plea. Whether in person or online, many mayors have already signed the declaration.
Download the list of signing Mayors
8 city networks and 57 signatories
You can review the conferences on Abidjan2022

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